Saturday, January 8, 2011

Union Station Dinosaurs Unearthed (or, How to Scare the Daylights Out of Your Toddler)

The Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit at Union Station is winding to a close, so we decided that should be our Saturday activity. My firm sponsored the exhibit, so Lauren and I had already been to a private showing awhile ago, but Sean couldn't attend (read: today's trip was for Sean, not Lauren). When we went several months ago Lauren thought it was pretty cool and wasn't all that scared. This time, different story. It was a madhouse, so I think part of it had to do with the fact that when we went last time there weren't very many people. Also, Lauren is getting older and more aware of what is and isn't scary. Although we drive by Union Station every day on the way home and she finds the huge dinosaur out front advertising the exhibit very amusing. I suppose it's a little less intimidating when we're zooming by in a car.

In Laur's defense, they did move and growl.

This gives you an idea of the size of the exhibits...notice Laur's death grip on Sean.

Here her grip loosens, but she's still hanging on.

Finally by the end she relaxed enough to enjoy and point.

Afterwards to lighten the mood we let Laur run around Union Station and burn off some steam. Read: we were banking on wearing her out so that she would fall asleep on the way home. While we try to be "green," we figure that the fact that we each live less than a mile from our respective workplaces, and that Laur's school is less than a mile away from our house as well, gives us the right to occasionally burn some unnecessary fuel in order to secure a 45 minute car nap from the Monkey on the weekends.

She must do the stairs by herself. She's a big girl, folks.

Is that baby (big girl) adorable, or what?

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