Saturday, December 19, 2009

December Cuteness

This is just a random smattering of December photos where Lauren is looking generally adorable. Enjoy.

This is Lauren being amazing while we waited for a table (for an hour and a half) at Waldo Pizza. We're still not winning any parenting awards, so because we forgot to bring her a toy she played with a beer coaster instead. Perhaps appropriate since she later pulled Sean's beer over onto herself, and because we didn't have a change of clothes (again, not parents of the year), she sat in a beer soaked dress and tights (happily) during dinner. What a trooper.

Below, Lauren getting really close to crawling.

We took Lauren to the Andy Warhol exhibit at Union Station last weekend. While she thought the art was just OK, she was pretty pumped about the spinning lights throughout the exhibit.

Christmas trees outside the Warhol exhibit.

Union Station is really cool around Christmas, we discovered. Lauren enjoyed the train exhibits.

Here are some still photos of Lauren's Christmas program at school. This is Ms. Tina, one of Lauren's teachers.

Ms. Brenda, Lauren's other teacher, is holding her off stage below.

Dad holding Lauren after the program. Lauren still upset over the head bonk sustained during said program (see post below with video).

Lauren chilling in her crib

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