Tuesday, December 8, 2009

7 Months Old

Lauren turned 7 months old on December 4th. Neither Sean nor I can believe that she is so old. She is sitting up on her own really well, which makes her seem like more of a person, and less of a baby. She loooves being on the floor, and although she's not crawling yet, she rolls wherever she wants to go. In fact, this week she rolled down the two stairs that lead in to our TV room upstairs. Sean was there to watch her/catch her if necessary, but she rolled down them just fine on her own. Scary. Needless to say, childproofing will begin soon.

Lauren continues to be a good eater, although she has had ear infections lately and hasn't been as interested in solid food. Still interested, but just not wolfing down like she does when she feels well. Some new foods are squash, green beans, turkey, pears and bananas. She is generally a fan. I think that applesauce and peaches are still her favorites.

The photos are above are from our neighborhood restaurant, Blue Bird Bistro. We went there this weekend for breakfast, and I must say it's a lot more fun now that Lauren can sit in a highchair and have breakfast with us. She likes to wave her arms around and try to knock the spoon out of our hand, and also likes to look around while we try to feed her, so she usually wears more than she eats, but that's a baby's privilege.

Our motto with Lauren has been take her where we go, and I think it has paid off because she's a pretty good baby in public. I know people, this won't last forever. I heard enough "you have no idea what you're in for"s during my pregnancy alone to last me a lifetime, so please, just smile all knowingly and let me live in the present, which is with an amazing little baby who is so good I could have a dozen just like her. That's right, I said that. But please understand that that statement is conditional on the baby as she now exists at 5pm on Wednesday, December 9th, 2009. And also, please understand that I am currently not with said baby. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all of that. Above, Lauren gets some cheap entertainment on the check out belt of our local grocery store.

There she is. Our favorite Lauren. All tuckered out after a day of playing. This Lauren competes heavily with sitting up and laughing Lauren. They each have their special qualities, their own benefits. But there just isn't anything sweeter than that sleeping baby at the end of the day.

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