Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lauren Has a Tooth!

OK, so I haven't been posting lately because I haven't had time to sit down to upload videos or photos, and I feel like text only posts are boring. And then our computer crashed last night, so it might be awhile before I get to the photos and videos again, but I figure something (even without photos or videos) is better than nothing. So, without further ado...

LAUREN HAS A TOOTH! OK, so it's just a little piece of a tooth, poking up through her gums. On the bottom, in the middle, on the left side. She has been really fussy lately, and unfortunately her first tooth also coincided with a nasty cold, but it's here! It still has a little growing to do, and the one on the right side looks like it's on its way as well. Inexplicably, I felt so proud when I saw her tooth. I have no idea why, it's not like it's some huge accomplishment like playing peekaboo or waving bye (both of which she does now), but it felt like a big step to me.

Hopefully we'll get our computer back up soon so that I can attach a picture, although she's not really letting us look at the tooth too much, I don't know how a picture will go over with her.

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