Monday, October 5, 2009

Lauren Models Winter Fashion

Lauren made an impromptu trip to the American Royal BBQ Competition on Friday night because our babysitter wasn't able to make it, and thankfully friends who have been generously funneling us clothes as they no longer need them happened to drop off this snowsuit on Friday as I was leaving work to pick Lauren up. Good thing, because until this weekend we didn't have any winter clothes for Baby L. She tolerated the Royal for about an hour, and that was it, but she looked cute even while melting down in front of co-workers. And Sean's ribs were delicious.

Lauren turned 5 months old on Sunday. Very very hard to believe. She is still trying to crawl, but isn't quite there yet. She can also sit by herself for short periods of time, although that hasn't quite taken off yet. She has taken to getting her arms out of the swaddle in the middle of the night, rolling over on her stomach, and then screaming for help. To all of those parents out there jealous because she started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, take heart. We are paying now. Lauren (and Sean and I) love her new daycare. They take such good care of her, and she's even taking two long naps during the day, which make for a much happier baby at night. They've been instrumental in getting her used to eating rice cereal, so we are eternally grateful.

I forgot to post Lauren's 4 month stats, so here they are:
Weight: 14 lbs, 3 oz (70th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (80th percentile)

Besides night wakings, the Power House is doing very well. Lauren's current fascinations are Miller, John Coltrane and rolling over, then screaming.

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